Parent Involvement Policy
Parents as Partners in Education
We welcome you, parents/guardians on our campus and encourage you to take an active role in participating in your child(ren)'s education.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to visit, volunteer, and participate as equal partners in the education of their child(ren). For security and safety reasons, however, all visitors must register in the office at the beginning of any visit, no matter how brief. This includes arrival on campus in the morning. You may arrange to visit during the school day by contacting your child's teacher or the office. Please schedule conferences either before or after school.
District procedures for parents/guardians being on campus during school hours are in effect for security and safety reasons. If parents/guardians wish to walk their child(ren) to the classroom before school, they must first sign in at the office. Parents/guardians are welcomed and encouraged to eat lunch in the cafeteria with their children if they have signed in at the office, but are not permitted on the playground.
Times and locations of special events will be arranged in advance and parents/guardians will be notified prior to such events. A variety of special parent and/or family programs are offered each year to meet the needs of our community. These events are held several times throughout the year and can be found using our Events Page.
In order for parents/guardians to participate fully in such parent/guardian-only activities such as adult literacy classes and parenting classes that may be offered, child care and translation services are provided whenever possible.
In order to assist our parents/guardians in becoming full partners in the education of their children, teachers communicate with parents regularly through newsletters, phone calls, e-mails, notes, and conferences. Parents/guardians may have access to their child(ren)'s grades through the Synergy computer program. Copies of child(ren)'s performance on various assessments and regular progress reports on child(ren)'s performance in class will be provided to parents/guardians at various times throughout the year, including during Parent-Teacher Conferences. Student learning goals and the AZ State Standards are discussed during Back-to-School Night and at parent-teacher conferences.
We ask that parents/guardians ensure their child(ren)'s regular attendance and prompt arrival; establish a time for homework and review it regularly; support school policies, including dress code and behavior guidelines; and communicate regularly with their child(ren) and with the school.
Input from parents/guardians and teachers are solicited for the development of our Home-School Compact, which outlines the shared responsibilities of parents/guardians, students, and educators in meeting the needs of our students.
We feel that it is important for parents/guardians to communicate their concerns, questions, and desires about the educational process and our schools. By using the steps outlined below, we can work together to address any concerns that may arise:
The parent meets with the teacher to explain the concern and reach a resolution. A plan of action may be needed. Please schedule a follow-up either by phone, note, e-mail, or in person.
If the concern is not resolved, then it is appropriate to contact the school administrator. The administrator will schedule a meeting with the parent and the teacher. The concern and actions taken will be reviewed. A new plan of action will be developed and carried out. Another meeting will be scheduled to check on progress.
If the concern persists after the administrator and the teacher have attempted resolution, then parents may contact the appropriate administrator at the District office.
Parents/Guardians as Volunteers
We welcome our parents/guardians who have time to help our students, teachers, and staff. Our goal is to use volunteers to help our children receive a more rewarding academic and social experience in all school programs. Volunteers do a little bit of everything, wherever and whenever the need arises, under the supervision of school staff and teachers. Parents/guardians who volunteer in any capacity on campus or on field trips must complete the District's requirements for background checks and fingerprint cards. Parents/guardians should work with the classroom teacher in scheduling approved times to help out as needed in the classroom. All volunteers must be under staff supervision at all times. Please first check in at the office with the office staff who will call the classroom teacher to let him or her know that you have arrived. All volunteers must sign in and out on the Volunteer sign-in sheet in the office and log their volunteer hours. Please contact the school secretary for more details about volunteering.
Children who are not enrolled in our schools are NOT PERMITTED to visit or join class activities during the school day due to liability and supervision considerations. When volunteering, please leave younger children at home.
Parents/Guardians as Models
Parents/guardians have a tremendous impact on children's behavior. What they observe in adults becomes a standard of behavior.
Behavior: Parents/guardians on campus are expected to model appropriate behavior. Behavior expectations are described in detail in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. It is especially important that parents/guardians model the problem solving process; that is, concerns are addressed with the classroom teacher and administration. At no time will adults on campus interact with children other than their own in matters of behavior and/or discipline.
Parents/guardians are also expected to follow guidelines for picking up students, waiting outside the gates at either end of the campus as students will be escorted by their teachers to ensure all children are able to exit in a safe and orderly manner. Please also follow guidelines for dropping off and picking up students when driving in the parking lot, modeling respect, responsibility, and safety awareness for students.
Dress: Parents/guardians on campus are expected to model appropriate dress. They should follow dress guidelines as described in the District staff dress code.
Language: Parents/guardians on campus are expected to model the use of appropriate language everywhere students are present. This includes slogans, advertising, and sayings on clothing worn on campus.
Tobacco: Tobacco products should NOT be used or carried onto school property, including the parking lot.
Parent Organization
A parent organization is an important community organization that is highly involved in many activities that benefit our students, staff, and surrounding community. We are proud of our District and look forward to establishing a parent organization. Please plan to join with us and help make your child(ren)'s educational experience exciting and productive. All parents/guardians are encouraged to become members, attend meetings, and provide input into our programs. This is a great way to make new friends in in the community while helping your child(ren) through their school years!