Title I at SESD
Title I is the largest federal aid program for public schools. This program provides additional funds for educating disadvantaged or underserved children. These funds are specifically designated to assist children in meeting the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards.
Goals of Title I
Increase academic achievement
Provide direct instructional support
Provide professional development
Promote parent involvement
A Title I school means we receive funding to supplement the school’s existing programs. These dollars are used for:
Identifying students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help these students meet the State’s challenging content standards.
Purchasing supplemental staff/programs/materials/supplies
Conducting Parental Involvement Meetings/Trainings/Activities
Recruiting/Hiring/Retaining Highly Qualified Teachers
Requirements of a Title I School
Title I schools are required to provide families with policy and program information. Schools inform families by:
Holding an annual meeting to explain Title I policy and programs.
Providing families with up-to-date academic information about their children in an easy to understand format.
Offering families a flexible number of meetings on Title I policy and programs.
Involving families in the decision making process on how family involvement dollars are spent.
Providing families with a compact entered by the school, the parent, and the child acknowledging responsibility for student success.
We welcome you to reach out for more information!
Parental Support
Parents, WE NEED YOU! Decades of research show that when parents are involved students have:
Higher grades, test scores, and graduation rates
Better school attendance
Increased motivation, better self-esteem
Lower rates of suspension
We invite you to ask your child’s teacher what you can do to help support your child’s education! You may also visit with the school principal to receive more information on how you can contribute to the success of all Sacaton Braves!
Parental Involvement Opportunities
Attend Parent-Teacher Meetings and Conferences
Ask questions about child(ren)'s progress and growth
Ask for meetings and trainings
Make suggestions for Title I funding
Review the school’s achievement data
Attend parent involvement events throughout the school year
SESD's Parental Involvement Policy
Parents Right to Know
Parents/Guardians in the Sacaton Elementary School District have the right to learn about the following qualifications of their child's teacher:
state licensure requirements for the grade level and content areas taught
the current licensing status of your child's teacher
baccalaureate/graduate certification/degree.
You may also request the qualifications of an instructional paraprofessional who serves your student in a Title I program or if your school operates a school wide Title I program.
Parents/Guardians may request this information from the Office of the Superintendent by calling 520-562-8600 or by sending a letter of request to the Office of the Superintendent, PO Box 98, Sacaton Arizona 85147. The Sacaton Elementary School District ensures that parents will be notified in writing if their child has been assigned, or has been taught by a teacher for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not considered highly qualified.