Vanessa Murphy

The awards for "Student of the Year" and "Teacher of the Year" are as follows: 5th Grade - Kylie Jackson, Charlie Mark; 6th Grade - Kallie Jackson, Kyrie Escalante; 7th Grade - DeRey Mark, Crissy Parras; 8th Grade - Kaison Antoine, Carissa Kyiton. The ESS "Student of the Year" is Misha Hall.

The "Teacher of the Year" is Vanessa Murphy. Mrs. Murphy teaches 7th and 8th grade English and Language Arts.

On the Academic side, we just completed state testing. We had 100% of our student body take 4 of the 6 state tests. We had 99% of our student body take the other 2 state tests. We will take the NWEA next week. Our goal is to exceed growth in all grades (5-8) on the NWEA in Reading and Math.

On the Discipline side, I would encourage parents to contact us if they think their student is being bullied. Teachers have been watching out for bullying in the classroom. The best defense against bullying is communication and making the school aware that bullying is taking place.

Our 8th grade promotion will be held on Tuesday, May 21 at 6pm in the Middle School gym. There will be a rehearsal and a dinner held on Monday, May 20 at the Middle School in the gym from 6pm to 8pm.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me. I am always available and willing to listen.